Journaling Your Way to Massive Action Success
Journaling is not just for high school girls! Journaling can be a powerful weapon in your get-it-done arsenal, and it’s easy to do.
Journaling Prompts for April
Once a month I will give you a list of journaling topics for every day. My goal is that these prompts will give you what you need to jumpstart your thinking process as you journal.
Conquer Your Mindset Roadblocks with Journaling
Journaling is about clarity, and when we gain clarity about roadblocks that are holding us back, we’re better able to deal with them. Although journaling can be useful for a number of reasons, it’s perhaps best for personal growth, and breaking down barriers is a valuable goal. Here are a few common types of roadblocks and how to use journaling to defeat them.
How to Journal Your Way to Improved Mental Health
One of the most overlooked ways to boost your mental well-being is to focus on writing in a journal for a few minutes each day. Developing a journaling routine that works best for your situation is an effective way to combat everyday stress and help you greatly improve your overall well-being.
My Three Favorite Journaling Apps
Not all journaling has to be done with a pen and paper. If you prefer to go the digital route, there are a few journaling and bullet journaling apps that are wonderful tools. Here are three of my favorites…
Journaling Your Way to a Better Life, Business & Bank Account
What if the key to getting more of what you want in life and business – faster – lies in a simple practice you’ve known about since childhood? Journaling. Today, thousands of coaches, entrepreneurs, and other high-performers worldwide swear by journaling as the ultimate life improvement and manifestation tool. Find out why…
How to Get Started Journaling
Getting started journaling isn’t something that you need to think about too hard. Yes, there are numerous types and styles of journals and ways to do this, but you can simply get some paper, a notebook from the dollar store, or your computer and you’re on your way! Here are a few ideas to help you get started…
4 Common Journaling Myths
Journaling is on the rise, and a growing number of solopreneurs and others are finding it to be invaluable for getting the clarity and motivation needed to thrive. However, misconceptions are still common, and breaking them can help you make the most of journaling. Here are some common myths about journaling.
Abundance Journaling: Write Your Dreams Into Reality
Craving More Freedom & Abundance in Your Life or Business? If you feel like you’ve tried all the “manifesting tips” out there but nothing has quite worked (or stuck), I’ve created a special and simple program just for you.
How Journaling Can Help Reduce Stress at Bedtime
Journaling is an excellent way to help your psyche release stress and get ready to go to sleep. I’ve got some wonderful examples in today’s post of how journaling can help get those worrisome thoughts off your mind.
How to Make Journaling Part of Your Daily Routine
Do you keep a journal? If you're thinking that you don't have enough time, think again! It only takes 5-10 minutes a day to really make a difference in your life.
End of the Year Review Journaling Prompts
I know 2020 has been rough but let’s give it a proper sendoff and get ready to ring in the new year with a brand new outlook and a renewed hope. This year I have two sets of journaling prompts for you to work through. So, grab a cup of your favorite warm drink and cozy up by the tree with your journal.
How to Make Your Journaling More Effective
Any type of journal that you keep can be beneficial. It doesn’t matter if it’s just to document your life or to work through problems - you can use a journal to do it all.
How Journaling Can Help You Overcome Loneliness During a Crisis
Journaling is a great way of recording your memories and daily thoughts but it can also help you overcome some of the more difficult things in life like grief, depression, and loneliness. Here are a few tips to help you get through those tough times.
End of the Year Review Journaling Prompts
Let’s give 2019 a proper sendoff and get ready to ring in the new year and a brand new decade!