3 Secrets of a Professional Organizer
We all want to be organized right? But, if you're like me you get about halfway through a project and give up. That is until I learned these 3 Secrets of a Professional Organizer.
To be successful you need to create a system based on your specific personality, needs and goals. You need to define who you are and what's important to you so your system can reflect that. You need to look at the big picture and identify the obstacles that are holding you back so you can remove them once and for all.
By mastering these three simple but very important steps you will be able to meet any organizing challenge that may come up and achieve a lifetime of organizing success!
3 Secrets of a Professional Organizer
1. Analyze
In order to reach any goal, you have to begin by defining it. It's critical to get a clear picture of where you are and where you want to be before taking one step, that means completing a personal needs assessment. Answering these five basic questions will help clarify your thinking about what needs to be done. Be honest and specific.
What's working?
What's not working?
What items are most important to you?
Why do you want to get organized?
What's causing the problems?
Even though the analyzing process takes a little extra time compared to just diving in, it's the most important step toward achieving your main goal, becoming organized!
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2. Strategize
It's time to create an action plan! With your analysis in hand, you've figured out your organizing problems and what's causing them. You've narrowed in on what's most important to you and you're ready to dive in.
Creating an action plan takes very little time but is super important. You need to know where to start, how you will get there and how long it will take. Begin by clearly defining the space you are organizing and what it will be used for. Next, figure out what you will need in that space. And, finally, rearrange your furniture and storage units around to make your space come alive!
Getting organized can take a few hours to a few days depending on the size of your project. One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to getting organized is not being realistic about how long the job will take. Most people either dramatically underestimate the time required to be successful.
Personal Tip: Before you start moving things around, make a rough sketch of what you think you want. Then take measurements and make sure everything will fit or you'll be moving everything back. I've learned this lesson the hard way!
3. Attack
It's finally time to attack your clutter and get the job done! This final step is the most labor intensive and requires you to follow these 4 steps:
Sort - Identify what's important to you and focus on the items you currently use and/or love. Then sort those important things into groups of similar items.
Purge - Here is where you decide what stuff to get rid of and how. Of course, you can just toss everything but there are several other ways to accomplish this like donating to a charity, giving it away to a friend or selling it.
Assign a home/containerize - Take all the items you're keeping and decide where you will put them. Literally, assign everything a home. If you find you've run out of space or storage your options are to either reevaluate and purge or relocate some items or increase your storage with containers.
Daily maintenance - make a daily effort to perform ongoing maintenance to keep your space clean and organized! Train yourself to start putting things away when you're done using them.
Like anything worth doing, organizing takes time but once you've mastered these skills, they will last you forever. You will be able to apply them over and over again to almost any task and have a lifetime of success!
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